About Me

The medley of maladies of the modern times has pierced deep into our nerves! Standing at the start of the second decade of the twenty-first century, we have transcended our long searches for a unique individual complete identity of the post-colonial ‘self’. The union of the local and the global ‘self’ and the ‘other’ as one and as counters has not just formed the collective consensus for individual recognition but has emerged as a composite identity – the identity equally shared by you and me. It’s something like Domino’s chicken seekh kabab pizza. Continental cum Mughlai topped with mayonnaise, sauce and chaat-masala –All opposites amalgamated with that one punch under your belly…hungry kya…?? We TRIAMBIGRAM are a duo of writers-filmmakers – Rajdeep (an ex IT engineer) and Sarmistha (an art critic). Educated at Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, one of India’s two prime film schools, we are in the process of setting up our own film company that aims at bringing to people stories which are fresh in feel but eternal in theme – our own efforts to amalgamate the modern and perennial. Nerds, free-thinkers, weirdos, Bawras and dreamers are words you might use to describe us.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


(Physical Element : Water, Physiological Element : Emotions)


Using mental force : being objective, thinking your way through, finding out the facts, analyzing the situation, using your intellect, applying logic and reasonhaving fortitude : overcoming adversity, facing problems, resolving a situation, finding the strength to overcome, surmounting obstacles, being undaunted by setbacksseeking justice : righting a wrong, championing a cause, doing what is right, establishing the truth, accepting responsibility, wanting what is fair

proceeding with truth : dispelling doubts, cutting through confusion, seeing through illusions, having clear understanding, being honest, finding out what is real

Kalasa filled with Water.

making a connection : joining with another, celebrating a marriage or union, cementing a friendship, establishing a partnership, working together, sharing, helping and being helped, seeing commonalities
calling a truce : healing a severed relationship, bringing together opposites, letting bygones be bygones, coming to a satisfactory agreement, declaring peace, forgiving and forgetting

Acknowledging an attraction : recognizing a bond that is developing, accepting your preferences, letting yourself be drawn in, moving toward, feeling a positive response

The Pandavas are married to Draupadi.and allied with the Pancalas.

Feeling exuberant : bursting with energy, being in the flow, celebratingoverflowing with high spirits, feeling on top of the world, dancing and singingputting yourself out there
Enjoying friendship : getting together with people you like, experiencing camaraderie, extending/receiving hospitality, sharing, finding companions, trusting others, relying on outside help

Valuing community : taking part in a support group, developing a team spirit, working together, uniting with others, forming a group bond, helping each other, discovering a common goal, being neighborly

Duryodhana, Duhsasand and Karma celeberating after Duryodhan takes Karna as a friend and makes him Angaraj.

being self-absorbed : concentrating on your own feelings, wanting for yourself, being unaware of others, giving out little, withholding affection, seeing only your point of view, ignoring gifts and blessings
feeling apathetic : passively accepting, losing interest, feeling disengaged, making little effort, finding life stale and flat, lacking motivation, feeling little desire
going within : being introspective, meditating, dreaming, contemplating, pausing to reflect, getting lost in reverie, withdrawing from involvement, losing outer awareness

Amba’s pencae. Dejected with refusal by Bhsihma and defeat of parashuram, Amabara disengages from direct conflict and meditates.

Suffering a loss : letting go of a hope, giving up the win, experiencing a setback, being defeated, having a possession taken away, saying good-bye
Feeling bereft : breaking up a relationship, feeling deprived of love, longing to be reunited, grieving, feeling sorrow

Feeling regret : being disappointed by events, crying over spilt milk, wanting to turn back the clock, wishing for what might have been, believing you made the wrong choice, acknowledging mistakes

Pandu’s death and Madri on her husband’s pyre, while Kunti and the Pandavas watch from back.

Experiencing good will : acting kindly or charitably, doing a good turn for another, sharing what you have, having a noble impulse, receiving a giftfeeling blessed, being well-intentioned
Enjoying innocence : feeling simple contentment, surrounding yourself with goodness, being blissfully unaware, having a clear conscience, shunning corruption, being acquitted, appreciating simple joys

Focusing on childhood : being with a child or young person, feeling carefree, being taken care of, feeling nostalgic, indulging in play, enjoying youthful activities, having a baby

Karna doing charity with son Brshasen by his side, while Dharma is disgusised as a Beggar Brahmna.

Indulging in wishful thinking : creating fantasies, dreaming, getting caught up in illusions, letting your imagination run wild, kidding yourself about the facts, building castles in the air, waiting for your ship to come in, lacking focus and commitment, avoiding putting ideas to the test
Having many options : being offered many alternatives, facing an array of choices, believing in limitless possibilities, looking at a wide open field, getting to pick and choose

Falling into dissipation : overindulging, letting everything go, becoming disorganized, eating/drinking/partying to excess, neglecting your health, entering into addictive patterns, being inclined toward indolence, being lazy, procrastinating

Yudhishtira playing dice and facing about a better next hand after each loss.

Seeking deeper meaning : focusing on personal truth, leaving the rat race, looking for answers, concentrating on what is important, starting on a journey of discovery, finding out the facts, devoting more time to the spiritual
Moving on : realizing the current cycle is over, abandoning a hopeless situation, disentangling yourself, starting on a trip of unknown length, letting go, finishing up and walking away

Growing weary : feeling drained by demands, dragging through the day, feeling tired and listless, lacking energy, losing hope, getting weighed down by worries, becoming burned out

Yudhishthira forgets about Kingdom and listen to wise Sages in the forest.

Having your wish fulfilled : achieving what you desire, obtaining your goalgetting what you think you want, having your dream come true
Feeling satisfied : indulging in a little smugness, enjoying the situation just as it is, feeling pleased as punch, getting the results you hoped for, feeling all's well with the world, being contented
Enjoying sensual pleasure : experiencing luxury, savoring a delicious meal, appreciating the arts, making love, relaxing, experiencing beauty, enjoying physical exertion

Duryodhan and Kauravas enjoying after Karna’s Digvijay.

feeling joy : embracing happiness, having a sense of well-being, radiating lovedelighting in good fortune, counting your blessings, expressing delight
enjoying peace : experiencing serenity, doing away with hostilities, restoring harmony, reducing stress and tension, feeling contented and at ease, calling a truce, relaxing

looking to the family : working for peace in the home, going on a family event, reaffirming a family commitment, supporting a relative in need, bonding with family members, forgiving someone in the family

The Pandavas united in heaven and experiencing true joy and peace.

Be Emotional : be moved or touched, let your feelings show, respond to beauty, be sentimental or romantic, shed your detachment, let your heart lead the way
Be Intuitive : receive guidance from within, act on a hunch, remember your dreams, have a psychic experience, experience direct knowing, trust your gut reaction
Be Intimate : start or renew a love affair, meet someone you're attracted to, get closer to someone, go beyond formalities, have a special moment of togetherness, solidify a friendship, share something personal

Be Loving : make a thoughtful gesture, express sympathy and understanding, forgive yourself, forgive someone who has hurt you, apologize to someone you have hurt, reach out and touch someone, mend a broken relationship, brighten someone's day, respond with caring rather than anger, refuse to judge or condemn .

Nakula, the beautiful Pandava is known for his sentimentality a dnyouthful exuberance.

Romantic.....Overemotional : idealizes love..........lacks self-restraint; emphasizes feelings..........is often jealous; concentrates on the poetry of life..........tends to be gushy and melodramatic; remembers special occasions..........blows hot and cold in affections; expresses sentiments beautifully..........brings flowers, but forgets to put gas in the car
Imaginative..........Fanciful : can tap the fertile unconscious..........indulges in idle daydreams; looks beyond the obvious..........has big ideas that come to nothing; never takes the mundane path..........has an unrealistic approach; spins marvelous tales..........has an overactive imagination; is visionary..........can shade the truth
Sensitive..........Temperamental : is aware of moods and feelings..........is prone to mood swings; helps others open up..........can be petulant and sulky; responds deeply to life..........gels melancholy and depressed; understands the pains of others..........broods excessively; is tactful and diplomatic..........takes offense easily
Refined..........Over-refined : appreciates beauty in all forms..........leaves dirty work to others; seeks the finest..........can't face unpleasantness; creates a pleasing environment..........lacks robust good health; understands subtlety..........emphasizes style over substance; is suave and gracious..........gets overwhelmed by pressure Introspective..........Introverted : values the inner life..........focuses inward to excess; tries to understand why..........avoids active participation; questions motivations..........is driven to self-examination; seeks self-improvement ..........exaggerates personal failings; sees below the surface..........can't relax around others

Arjuna is romantic, beloved by women, artistic, musician and dancer, he loves his Lord Krsihna and is emotional towards his brothers, he is emotional even towards his enemies during War. He is Bibhatsu, who doesnot resort to savagery even in War.

Loving : turns away wrath with caring, is unconditionally accepting, is sensitive to the feelings of others, dispels anger and hate, has infinite patience
Tenderhearted : is easily moved by another's pain, reacts with sensitivity and compassion, is kind and gentle with all creatures, can never turn away someone in need, feels what others are feeling
Intuitive : is always tuned to emotional undercurrents, senses the climate of a situation, is guided by the heart, trusts an inner sense of what is true, understands without having to ask
Psychic : is open to the unconscious, has a well-developed sixth sense, can have a telepathic bond with another, has a finely-tuned sensibility, is a natural medium

Spiritual : feels oneness with God and the universe, has reverence for all life, finds joy in communion, appreciates the deeper meanings of life, sees the world as a holy place

Gandhari, is loving , acring and all-accepting. She is intutional and psychis and has a deep reverence to Dharma and Ishawra.


Wise : gives good advice, has a deep grasp of human nature, teaches through loving attention, knows what others need for growth, sees right to the heart of the matter, understands many levels of experience
Calm : maintains his or her composure, has a quieting influence on others, is emotionally stable and secure, keeps his or her head in a crisis, never seems nervous or tense
Diplomatic : can balance the needs of many people, keeps everyone working together happily, can diffuse a tense situation, achieves goals through subtle influence, says just the right word at the right time
Caring : responds to emotional needs, is a natural healer and therapist, takes action to help those in need, feels compassion for the less fortunate, does volunteer and charity work
Tolerant : has open and broad-minded views, accepts the limitations of others, is comfortable with all types of people, allows others their freedom, is patient in trying circumstances

Pandu, he is understanding and craes for others, is open, broad- minded and believes in freedom, does do lot of charitry for the Rishis in the Shatashringa.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


(Physical Element : Air, Physiological Element : Intellect)


Using mental force : being objective, thinking your way through, finding out the facts, analyzing the situation, using your intellect, applying logic and reason
having fortitude : overcoming adversity, facing problems, resolving a situation, finding the strength to overcome, surmounting obstacles, being undaunted by setbacks
seeking justice : righting a wrong, championing a cause, doing what is right, establishing the truth, accepting responsibility, wanting what is fair

proceeding with truth : dispelling doubts, cutting through confusion, seeing through illusions, having clear understanding, being honest, finding out what is real

Dhwaja fluttering in the Wimd.

Blocking emotions : denying true feelings, stifling a natural response, keeping another at arm's length, hiding distress, turning a deaf ear, being defensive, maintaining your cool
Avoiding the truth : refusing to look at facts, pretending everything's fine, ignoring the warning signs, closing your eyes to what's going on, avoiding an unpleasantness, choosing not to know
Being at a stalemate : feeling afraid to act, reaching an impasse, staying stuck, refusing to decide, being unwilling to rock the boat, staying on the fence

Gandhari covering her eyes and accepts her fate as a Blind man’s wife.
feeling heartbreak : causing heartbreak, suffering emotional pain, hurting inside, being disappointed, getting some unsettling news, having your feelings hurt, hurting someone's feelings, receiving little solace
feeling lonely : being separated, wandering far from home, being spurned or rejected, feeling isolated from those you love, being deserted in time of needfeeling lost
experiencing betrayal : discovering a painful truth, finding your trust misplaced, being let down, letting someone down, getting stabbed in the back, turning against someone, breaking your word, acting against
Pandu in exile, heartbroken from Kardama’s curse

resting : taking a break, giving your body time to heal, avoiding overexertion, finding peace and quiet, relaxing body and soul, taking life easy
contemplating : gaining a better perspective, listening for your Inner Voice, taking time alone to think, standing back from the situation, examining your motivations, reviewing where you are

preparing : consolidating inner resources, making sure your base is secure, getting ready for the future, coming to terms with what is, tieing up loose ends, stabilizing

Arjuna’s penace, to get weapons for the future war

Acting in your own self-interest : setting aside the concerns of others, looking out for number one, thinking of your own needs, knowing you must concentrate on yourself, encountering selfishness, indulging in power plays, gloating, going for the win-lose result
Experiencing discord : being in a hostile environment, feeling people are set against each other, choosing to battle, having an "us-against-them" mentality, creating ill will, experiencing conflict

Witnessing open dishonor : losing your moral compass, letting ends justify means, sacrificing integrity, losing sight of what is right, achieving a dubious victory, knowing of criminal activity

After winning the Game of Dice, Draupadi is disrobed and humiliated in open Court

feeling the blues : experiencing a low-level sadness, just keeping your head above water, working to get through the day, feeling somewhat depressed, avoiding the lows, but also the highs, feeling listless, functioning, but not much more
recovering : dealing with the effects of trauma, getting over a tough time, picking up the pieces, starting to cope, beginning to get your health back, heading toward a more positive place, feeling hope again.

Traveling : changing location, moving from one place to another, taking a trip, experiencing a change of scene, being uprooted, going on a journey, entering into a new frame of mind

The Pandavas wandering from forest to forest deprived of their Kingodm and in Exile.

running away : shirking responsibility, sneaking off, leaving, avoiding obligations, being afraid to face the music, taking the easy way out, hiding from the truth, procrastinating
being a lone wolf : feeling you don't need anyone else, wanting independencedeciding not to help, keeping something to yourself, preferring solitude, staying aloof, wanting to go it alone, holding people at arm's length choosing

hidden dishonor : deceiving or being deceived, covering your tracks, maneuvering behind the scenes, being two-faced, seeing others take the rap, controlling without appearing to, avoiding a shameful secret, lying or stealing

Duryodhan fleeing Kurukshetar and hiding in Dwaita lake.

feeling restricted : being fenced in by obstacles, staying in a limited situation, feeling trapped by circumstances, experiencing few options, being blind to freedom, feeling persecuted
feeling confused : being unsure which way to turn, feeling at a loss, lacking direction, feeling overwhelmed, floundering around, needing guidance and clarity, not understanding what is happening.

Feeling powerless : waiting for outside rescue, doubting anything you do will help, avoiding responsibility, looking for a white knight, feeling victimized, accepting inaction

Abhimanyu trapped inside Chakravyuha attacked by 7 maharathis.

Worrying : doubting all will go well, brooding, making yourself sick over your troubles, going over and over an issue, feeling anxious and tense, getting worked up
Feeling guilty : regretting some offense, refusing to forgive yourself, wanting to turn back the clock, focusing on your "sins", being hard on yourself, denying that you did your best, getting overwhelmed by remorse
Suffering anguish : despairing, feeling you've reached your limits, having sleepless nights, feeling depressed, going through a dark night of the soul, forgetting joy, wanting to cry

Dhrtarashtra listening from Sanjay and guiltily brooding over the fate of the War.

Bottoming out : having nowhere to go but up, knowing it's darkest before the dawn, being at the lowest point, feeling things can't get worse, reparing for an upturn, reaching the pits
Feeling like a victim : bemoaning your fate, feeling powerless, seeing life as hostile, suffering from an attack, wondering "Why me?", feeling self-pity, being on the receiving end.

Being a martyr : putting your own interests last, being self-deprecating, feeling like a doormat, taking a back seat, letting others go first, sacrificing

Karna’s trying to pull up his Chariot wheel while Arjuna pints a shaft at him.

Use Your Mind : analyze the problem, use logic and reason, reexamine beliefs, develop an idea or plan, study or research the facts, learn or teach, think everything through.
Be Truthful : act honestly, face the facts, stop deceiving, clear up any confusion, expose what is hidden, speak directly.
Be Just : right a wrong, act ethically, treat others equally, champion a cause, try to be fair, do what you know is right, accept responsibility, acknowledge the other point of view.

Have Fortitude : face problems squarely, refuse to be discouraged, meet setbacks with renewed energy, keep a firm resolve, move out of depression, keep your chin up and head high, keep trying.

Sahadeva the wise Pamdava. Intelligent,practical and well-spoken .

Direct..........Blunt :is frank and outspoken..........is tactless and rude, gets straight to the point..........may have a brusque manner, does not mince words..........does not spare the feelings of others, lets others know where they stand..........can't hold his or her tongue, gives an honest answer..........shows little discretion
Authoritative..........Overbearing : speaks with assurance..........tends to be domineering, commands attention..........forces a position on others, acts with total certainty..........expects immediate compliance, gives orders naturally..........does not welcome dissent, has great influence..........acts in a high-handed manner
Incisive..........Cutting : has a keen, forceful intellect..........is prone to biting sarcasm, penetrates to the core..........lacks sensitivity, expresses ideas succinctly..........can be critical, is sharp and alert..........has a barbed wit, debates and argues well..........derides stupidity
Knowledgeable..........Opinionated : knows what he or she is talking about..........believes he or she is always right, can expound on any topic..........lacks tolerance of other viewpoints, is sought as an expert..........must have the last word, has well-reasoned positions..........is arrogant, is highly intelligent.........can be dogmatic and close-minded Logical..........Unfeeling : reasons clearly..........undervalues intuition, analyzes information well..........treats people like numbers, concentrates on what is correct..........doesn't temper justice with mercy, can set aside emotional factors..........is cut off from emotions, makes sense out of confusion..........is cold and aloof

Bhima is frank, outspoken and direct, lacks sensitivity and often says the bitter truth..

Honest : faces the truth, even if unpleasant, is up front with everyone, likes everything on the table, plays by the rules, avoids lies and deception
Astute : sizes up a situation quickly, understands hidden motives and desires, is difficult to fool, trick or con, figures out the unspoken rules and agendas, is quick on the uptake
Forthright : is direct and open in all dealings, gets to the heart of the matter, acts without pretense or guile, is straightforward and no-nonsense, can be candid when necessary
Witty : has a delightful sense of humor, diffuses awkward situations with a funny remark, never takes anything too seriously, laughs at everything, including him or herself

Experienced : has seen and done it all, has strength due to life's hard knocks, is free of self-righteous judgments, has realistic expectations

Kunti, uses her mind to counter hostile environment in Hastinapur and brings up her kids in safety.




Intellectual : is comfortable in the world of the mind, uses thought creatively, grasps information quickly and completely, inspires and challenges through ideas, ably carries out research, is knowledgeable
Analytical : cuts through confusion and mental fog, applies reason and logic, is talented with games and other mental challenges, easily breaks up complicated subjects, is adept at argument and debate, understands a problem quickly
Articulate : is adept at language and verbal skills, communicates ideas successfully, is a stimulating conversationalist, often serves as a group spokesperson, is a lucid writer and speaker
Just : renders honest, insightful judgments, understands and honors all sides of an issue, is concerned about truth and fairness, views situations with a dispassionate eye, is impartial and objective

Ethical : is a moral/ethical leader, encourages high standards, works against corruption and dishonesty, takes the high road in all dealings, lives by his or her highest principles.

Yudhsithira, Dharmaraj, the final institution in Wisdom, Justice and Truth.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


(Physical Element : Fire, Physiological Element : Spirit )

ACEUsing creative force : inventing a better way, expanding your potential, opening to greater possibilities, conceiving a dreamexpressing yourself, stimulating your imagination, allowing a talent to unfold, coming up with a solution
Showing enthusiasm : feeling fired up and eager, creating an aura of excitement, being ready to tackle the world, inspiring otherssustaining optimism, giving 110%
Having confidence : believing in yourself, feeling assured of your abilities, being sure of success, having high self-esteem, having faith in your path, knowing things will work out Proceeding with courage : tackling a challenging task, going beyond your limits, being true to your beliefs, daring to take a standfacing your fears, going for it
Fiery Chakra moving on finger.

Having personal power : commanding attention and respect, directing those around you, holding the world in your hands, wielding influence, calling the shots, having authority, swaying others to your position, being able to achieve your goals
Being bold : daring to do what you want, taking a risk, gambling events will go your way, confronting the situation head-on, taking the initiative, speaking your mind, facing fear directly, taking the bull by the horns, seizing the day
Showing originality : doing what no one else has done, creating your own style, being a pioneer, taking a different approach, inventing something new, diverging from the crowd, marching to a different drummer

Yudhishtira’s coronation as Yuvraj
3exploring the unknown : seeking out uncharted areas, going in quest of new adventure, expanding horizons, leaving the secure behind, tackling something different
Having foresight : being visionary, looking for greater possibilities, planning ahead, knowing what to expect, getting a premonition, anticipating obstacles, taking the long view
Demonstrating leadership : showing others the way, taking the main role, providing needed direction, rallying the group behind you, assuming a responsible position, setting an example, serving as a representative

Pandavas exploring wilderness
after fleeing Varanavat
4Celebrating : rejoicing over a happy event, recognizing a success, observing an anniversary, milestone or special time, congratulating on a job well-done, reflecting on accomplishments, enjoying some well-deserved rewards, taking part in a ceremony or rite
Seeking freedom : getting out of an oppressive situation, breaking free of bonds, cutting loose, opening to new possibilities, escaping unhappy circumstances, claiming self-determination, letting go of limitations
Feeling excited : bubbling over with delight, feeling thrilled, look forward expectantly, getting caught up in the moment, feeling jubilant, relishing the moment, being surprised
Pandavas and Draupadi rejoicing aftersetting up of Indraprastha

disagreeing : feeling everyone is at cross-purposes, being torn by dissensionquarreling, arguing and bickering, becoming embroiled in a debate, being at odds with others, quibbling over details
Experiencing competition : feeling the thrill of the contest, going against an opponent, rising to the challenge, being involved in a game or sport, trying to outdo yourself, going for the gold, looking for a fight, having a rival, being challenged by an upstart

Experiencing hassles : getting annoyed by demands, having minor setbacks,needing to take care of details, suffering from irritations, being bothered by trivialities

The Yadavas skirmish with long-grass turns too full-blown war as the grass turn to maces.
6triumphing : having your day in the sun, being vindicated, walking away with the prize, prevailing against all comers, coming out on top, achieving success
receiving acclaim : being acknowledged, getting a pat on the back, receiving an award or citation, getting praise or a compliment, earning applause, achieving recognition
Feeling pride : enjoying healthy self-esteem, strutting your stuff, holding your head up high, feeling worthy of notice, having a high opinion of yourself, putting yourself above others, being arrogant, condescending,feeling self-important
Yudhishtira's Rajasuya Yagna

Being aggressive : going after what you want, asserting yourself, taking the offensive, firing the first shot, fighting,making your point forcefully, seizing the advantage
Being defiant : holding out against pressure, defending your position, opposing all challengers, combating criticism, refusing to yield, saying "No!", resisting authority

Showing conviction : being sure, having a fixed position, demonstrating strong character, standing up for what you believe, knowing you are rightacting resolutely, being firm

Duryodhan refusing the Pandava request for Truce

Taking quick action : making your move, striking while the iron is hot, declaring yourself openly, putting plans into action, rushing into a new areamoving into high gear, getting caught up in change
Coming to a conclusion : culminating an effort, having all elements come together, closing out an activity, experiencing a grand finale, finding a successful resolution, completing unfinished business

Receiving news : getting an important message, obtaining a needed bit of information, finding the missing puzzle piece, discovering the truth, having a meaningful conversation, learning more

Bhima's strikes Duryodhana's knee taking Krishna's que.

Defending yourself :assuming ill will, expecting the worst, taking extra precautions, being paranoid, feeling wary and guarded, protecting others, remembering past attacks
Persevering : persisting despite all setbacks, refusing to take "no" for an answer, seeing something through to the end, getting knocked down, then standing up, keeping your resolve, trying repeatedly

Showing stamina : continuing despite fatigue , holding fast, drawing on hidden reserves, holding together through force of will, demonstrating physical strength ,keeping up the pace

Jayadrath scared of Arjuna and hiding under Drona’s protection, as the Kauravas try fruitlessly to contain Arjuna, Bhima and Satyaki.

Overextending : trying to do too much, refusing to say "no", taking all the blame, assuming another's debt, doing the lion's share, having to work overtime, shouldering all the work, being saddled with an extra load
Feeling burdened : never having time to relax, feeling tied to a treadmill, being taxed to the limit, assuming responsibility, being held accountablecarrying out an unpleasant duty, cleaning up a messy situation, being left holding the bag

Struggling : fighting uphill, doing everything the hard way,experiencing resistance, pushing against the current, having to work for every gain,finding that nothing comes easily,laboring

Yudhisthira burdened with Crown of Hastinapur and Indraprastha, after the War.

Be Creative :take a novel approach, be original, invent, find a new area of self-expression, use your art, come up with a solution, go in a new direction
Be Enthusiastic : jump in wholeheartedly, get excited, show optimism, be the first to volunteer, be passionate, get your blood flowing
Be Confident : tackle a challenge, say "yes, I can", believe in yourself, stretch your envelope, move beyond doubts, focus on success, know that where there's a will, there's a way

Be Courageous : take a risk, be daring, have an adventure, avoid the sure thing, take assertive action, be a leader, overcome a fear

Yuyutsu forsakes his evil half-brothers and joins the Pandavas with his army.

Charming..........Superficial : is physically attractive..........focuses on style and appearance; disarms opposition with a smile..........can be thoughtless and insensitive; is sexy and seductive..........pursues sexual conquests; generates glamour and excitement..........avoids deep or serious matters; is honey-tongued..........may say or do what's expedient
Self-confident..........Cocky : totally lacks self-doubt..........overestimates abilities; has a can-do attitude..........may boast and brag; is convinced of his or her talent..........exaggerates accomplishments; is self-assured at all times..........is brash and nervy; doesn't sweat the small stuff..........is sometimes presumptuous
Daring..........Foolhardy will risk anything without fear..........is reckless and rash; will tackle what others avoid..........will endanger self and others; is the first to volunteer for danger..........doesn't give danger due respect; loves being a hero..........is impetuous; boldly goes where no one has gone before..........is a daredevil
Adventurous..........Restless : loves travel and new experiences..........is never content to be still; seeks novelty and change..........can't set down roots or make ties; makes things happen..........lacks inner peace and serenity; rises to every challenge..........won't stop to smell the roses; is footloose and fancy-free..........must have constant stimulation

Passionate..........Hot-tempered : is easily roused to action..........angers easily; feels strong loyalties..........is too ready for a fight; feels everything powerfully..........lashes out when riled; takes a vocal stand..........often acts without thinking; jumps in with both feet.........may have a chip on his or her shoulder

Shamba is hot-tempered and sexy. He has affairs with Krsihna’s wives.

Attractive : is appealing and popular, creates a powerful first impression, makes friends easily, has great sex appeal, is warm and outgoing
Wholehearted : is loaded with enthusiasm, tackles a task with total dedication, gives the utmost in any situation, is open and sinceredoesn't hold anything back
Energetic : leads a busy and active life, is vigorous and strong, radiates health and vitality, has an inner vibrancy, is a natural athlete
Cheerful : is optimistic and upbeat, has an encouraging word for allbrightens whatever room he or she is in, has a warm and sunny disposition, can shake off the blues easily

Self-Assured : quietly demonstrates self-confidence, handles any situation with aplomb, can't be easily rattled or provoked, is spontaneous and gracious in defeat, has faith in his or her abilities

Draupadi, born of fire, desired by all, is vigorous and strong and is constant inspiration and strength for the Pandavas
KINGCreative : develops innovative projects and ideas, opens up new areas of experience, has natural artistic ability, uses self-expression for useful purposes, masterminds new strategies, is original and inventive
Inspiring : communicates enthusiasm, creates an atmosphere of excitement, sets an example others want to follow, instills confidence, is a powerful, natural leader
Forceful : seems to dominate the environment, has a commanding presence, is assertive when necessary, earns respect and willing compliance, carries authority naturally
Charismatic : is often showy and theatrical, enjoys making the gesture with flair, naturally becomes the focus of attention, magnetically attracts others, is watched, imitated and talked about Bold : is intrepid, is willing to take chances when the stakes are high, confronts opposition directly, dares to stand and be different, is unconcerned with what others think, has the courage of his or her convictions
Krishna, philospher, politician and king-maker, establishes a new Dharma-Rajya



0 - The Fool

Beginning : entering a new phase, striking out on a new path, expanding horizons, starting something new, beginning an adventure, going on a journey, heading into the unknown
Being spontaneous : living in the moment, letting go of expectations, doing the unexpected, acting on impulse, feeling uninhibited, surprising someone, feeling carefree
Having faith : trusting the flow, staying open, letting go of worry and fear, feeling protected and loved, living in joy, recapturing innocence, believing

Embracing folly : accepting your choices, taking the "foolish" path, pursuing a pipe dream, being true to yourself, taking a "crazy" chance, trusting your heart's desire

Yudhisthira, followed by Dharma as a dog.

1 - The Magicain

Taking action : doing what needs to be done, realizing your potential, making what's possible real, practicing what you preach, carrying out plans, producing magical results, using your talents
Acting consciously : knowing what you are doing and why, acknowledging your motivations, understanding your intentions, examining the known situation
Concentrating : having singleness of purpose, being totally committed, applying the force of your will, feeling centered, setting aside distractions, focusing on a goal

Experiencing power : making a strong impact, having vitality, creating miracles, becoming energized, feeling vigorous, being creative

Vidura, mentoring the Pandavas and guiding Dhrtarashtra

2 - The High Priestess

Staying nonactive : withdrawing from involvement, allowing events to proceed without intervention, being receptive to influence, becoming calm, being passive, waiting patiently
Accessing the unconscious : using your intuition, seeking guidance from within, trusting your inner voice, opening to dreams and the imagination, being aware of a larger reality
Seeing the potential : understanding the possibilities, opening to what could be, seeing your hidden talents, allowing development, letting what is there flower

Sensing the mystery : looking beyond the obvious, approaching a closed off area, opening to the unknown, remembering something important, sensing the secret and hidden, seeking what is concealedacknowledging the Shadow


3 - The Empress

mothering : giving birth, nourishing life, nurturing and caring for others, cherishing the world, expressing tenderness, working with children
welcoming abundance : enjoying extravagance, receiving lavish reward, luxuriating in plenty, having more than enough, feeling rich
experiencing the senses : giving and receiving pleasure, focusing on the body, appreciating beauty, feeling vibrantly healthy, being earthy, doing physical activity

responding to Nature : relating to plants and animals, embracing the natural, feeling connected to the Earth, going outdoors, harmonizing with natural rhythms


4 - The Emperor

fathering : establishing a family line, setting direction and tone, protecting and defending, guiding growth, bringing security and comfort,offering explanations
emphasizing structure : creating order out of chaos, categorizing, being systematic, providing shape and form, being organized, applying reason, coordinating, sticking to a plan
exercising authority : taking a leadership role, commanding, exerting control, representing the establishment, being in a position of strength, coming in contact with officials, setting direction

regulating : establishing law and order, operating from sound principles, applying rules or guidelines, working within the legal system,setting standards of behavior, following a regimen

Bhishma or Dhrtarashtra

5 - The Hierophant

getting an education : pursuing knowledge, becoming informed, increasing understanding, studying and learning, seeking a deeper meaning, finding out more
having a belief system : sharing a cultural heritage, learning a religious tradition, honoring ritual and ceremony, identifying a world view, following a discipline, knowing where to put your faith
conforming : following the rules, taking an orthodox approach, staying within conventional bounds, adapting to the system, fitting in, going along with the program, doing what's expected, being part of the Establishment
identifying with a group : being committed to a cause, devoting energy to a group, joining an organization, working as part of a team, feeling loyal to others, being in an institutionalized setting

Dronacharya, the teacher
or Bhishma, the partaker of the great vow

6 - The Lovers

relating to others : establishing bonds, feeling love, forming a union or marriage, acknowledging kinship, sympathizing with another, getting closer, making a connection, being intimate
being sexual : seeking union, experiencing desire, making love, opening to another, responding with passion, feeling a physical attraction, tapping inner energy
establishing personal beliefs : questioning received opinions, figuring out where you stand, staying true to yourself, setting your own philosophy, going by your own standards, making up your own mind determining values : struggling with temptation, choosing between right and wrong, facing an ethical or moral choice, refusing to let ends justify means, finding out what you care about

The Pandavas and Draupadi united in wedlock.

7 - The Chariot

achieving victory : reaching your goal, winning, being successful, dominating, coming out on top, beating the competition
using your will : being determined to succeed, focusing your intent, rising above temptation, letting nothing distract you, sustaining an effort, concentrating your energies, fixing on a goal
asserting yourself : being ego-focused, establishing an identify, knowing who you are, feeling self-confident, having faith in yourself, looking out for your interests

achieving hard control : mastering emotions, curbing impulses, maintaining discipline, holding in anger, getting your way, assuming the reins of power, showing authority

Krishna driving Arjuna's chariot

8 - Strength

showing strength : knowing you can endure, having a gallant spirit, feeling an unshakable resolve, taking heart despite setbacks, having stamina, being a rock
being patient : dealing calmly with frustration, accepting others taking time, maintaining composure, refusing to get angry, showing forbearance
being compassionate : giving others lots of space, tolerating, understanding what others are feeling, accepting, forgiving imperfection, being kind
achieving soft control : persuading, working with, guiding indirectly, being able to influence, tempering force with benevolence, demonstrating the strength of love
Bhima carries the burden of his whjole family during destress

9 - The Hermit

being introspective : thinking things over, focusing inward, concentrating less on the senses, quieting yourself, looking for answers within, needing to understand
searching : seeking greater understanding, looking for something, wanting the truth at all costs, going on a personal quest, needing more, desiring a new direction
receiving/giving guidance : going to/being a mentor, accepting/offering wise counsel, learning from/being a guru, turning to/being a trusted teacher, being helped/helping

seeking solitude : needing to be alone, desiring stillness, withdrawing from the world, experiencing seclusion, giving up distractions, retreating into a private world


10 - The Wheel of Fortune

Feeling a sense of destiny : using what chance offers, seeing life's threads weave together, finding opportunity in an accident, opening to luck, sensing the action of fate, witnessing miracles
Being at a turning point : reversing, moving in a different direction, turning things around, having a change in fortune, altering the present course, being surprised at a turn of events
Feeling movement : experiencing change, having the tempo of life speed up, being swept up in new developments, rejoining the world of activity, getting involved

Having a personal vision : seeing how everything connects, becoming more aware, uncovering patterns and cycles, expanding your outlookgaining greater perspective, discovering your role and purpose

The Game of Dice

11 - Justice

respecting justice : insisting on fairness, acting on ethical principles, being involved in legal concerns, committing to honesty, seeking equality, being impartial, trying to do what is right
assuming responsibility : settling old accounts and debts, being accountable, acknowledging the truth, admitting involvement, handling the situation, doing what has to be done
preparing for a decision : weighing all sides of an issue, setting a course for the future, balancing all factors, determining right action, choosing with full awareness

understanding cause and effect : accepting the results you created, seeing how you chose your situation, recognizing the action of karma, knowing that what is makes sense, making connections between events

Yudhisthira stand before the Yaksha of the Lake and choses Nakula over his other brothers.

12 - The Hanged Man

letting go : having an emotional release, accepting what is, surrendering to experience, ending the struggle, being vulnerable and open, giving up control, accepting God's will
reversing : turning the world around, changing your mind, overturning old priorities, seeing from a new angle, upending the old order, doing an about-face
suspending action : pausing to reflect, feeling outside of time, taking time to just be, giving up urgency, living in the moment, waiting for the best opportunity

sacrificing : being a martyr, renouncing a claim, putting self-interest aside, going one step back to go two steps forward, giving up for a higher cause, putting others first


13 - Death

ending : closing one door to open another, bringing something to a close, completing a chapter, concluding unfinished business, putting the past behind you, having a parting of the ways
going through transition : changing status, moving from the known to the unknown, being cast adrift, waiting in an in-between state, being in the middle
eliminating excess : cutting out what isn't necessary, shedding old attitudes, getting down to bare bones, concentrating on essentials, getting back to basics

experiencing inexorable forces : being in the path of sweeping change, being caught in the inescapable, going through what cannot be avoided, being part of a powerful movement, riding your fate, accepting the inevitable

Death of Amba and rebirth as Shikhandi

14 - Temperance

being temperate : finding the middle ground, showing moderation, avoiding excess, mitigating a harsh position, looking for the golden mean, reaching a compromise, offsetting an extreme
maintaining balance : experiencing harmony, achieving equilibrium, bringing together opposites, recognizing all sides, fostering cooperation, feeling centered and secure
experiencing health : renewing energy and vigor, healing, enjoying well-being, recovering, flourishing

combining forces : gathering together what is needed, joining with others, consolidating, finding the right mix, creating synthesis, getting it all together

Krishna, as a messenger of Truce in Hastinapur

15 - The Devil

experiencing bondage : accepting an unwanted situation, being obsessed, feeling tied down against your will, losing independenceallowing yourself to be controlled, being addicted and enslaved, submitting to another
focusing on the material : being caught up in appearances, believing only in the physical, forgetting the spiritual, getting and spending, overindulging the senses
staying in ignorance : being unaware, operating within a narrow range, experiencing limitation, choosing to stay in the dark, fearing the unknown, being taken in by appearances

feeling hopeless : believing the worst, despairing, lacking faith, seeing a cold world, thinking negatively, foreseeing a bleak future, doubting


16 - The Tower

going through sudden change : experiencing upheaval, having plans disrupted, being surprised, undergoing a crisis, having routines shaken up, being in chaos
releasing : exploding, having an emotional outburst, erupting in anger, crashing through ego defenses, breaking through pretense, letting everything go
falling down : being humbled, experiencing a crash, toppling from the heights, having a downturn in fortune, suffering a blow to the ego

having a revelation : suddenly realizing the truth, exposing what was hidden, having a burst of insight, seeing through illusions, getting the answer, seeing everything in a flash

The War of Kurukshetra

17 - The Star

regaining hope : having faith in the future, thinking positivelybelieving, counting your blessings, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, feeling great expectation, looking forward to success
being inspired : regaining motivation, realizing an inner strength, seeing the way clear, being stimulated to a higher level, creating, receiving the answer
being generous : wanting to give or share, spreading the wealth, opening your heart, giving back what you have received, letting love flow freely, offering with no reservations, holding nothing back

feeling serene : experiencing peace of mind, relaxing, finding your still center, remaining untroubled, savoring perfect calm, being tranquil amid trouble, enjoying harmony

Lord Dharma

or Satyavati

18 - The Moon

feeling fear : releasing inner demons, feeling a nameless apprehension, suffering from phobias, giving in to the shadow self, lacking courage, being overcome by anxieties
believing illusions : accepting a false picture, deceiving yourself, having unrealistic ideas, misapprehending the truth, experiencing distortions, chasing after a fantasy
stimulating the imagination : having vivid dreams or visions, opening to fantasy, plumbing the unconscious, entertaining unusual thoughts, being outlandish and bizarre

feeling bewildered : losing direction and purpose, having trouble thinking clearly, becoming confused, being easily distracted, feeling disoriented, wandering aimlessly

Ashwatthama slaughters the sleeping Pandava camp at night while Krpacharya and Krstavarma keep guard.

19 - The Sun

becoming enlightened : understanding, finding the sense behind the chaos, attaining a new level of insight, having an intellectual breakthrough, getting to the heart of the matter, realizing the truth
experiencing greatness : achieving prominence, being singled out for notice, having a personal moment of glory, setting an outstanding example, shining forth brilliantly, demonstrating distinction, becoming the center of attention
feeling vitality : becoming radiantly energized, bursting with enthusiasm, experiencing joy, feeling invigorated, getting charged up, enjoying great health

having assurance : feeling free and expansive, honoring your true self, knowing you can succeed, being confident, believing in your worth, trusting your abilities, forgiving yourself

Krishna’s Vishwaroop with Arjuna kneeling at his feet.

20 - Judgement

making a judgment : having a day of reckoning, separating the wheat from the chaff, making an honest appraisal, getting off the fence, using critical faculties, taking a stand, making hard choices
feeling reborn : awakening to possibilities, transforming, enjoying renewed hope, making a fresh start, seeing everything in a new light, discovering joy
hearing a call : recognizing your true vocation, feeling inner conviction, feeling an impulse to act, deciding to make a difference, feeling drawn in a new direction, knowing what you must do, answering a need

finding absolution : feeling cleansed and refreshed, releasing guilts and sorrows, forgiving yourself and others, atoning for past mistakes, unburdening yourself, feeling sins washed away

Yudhisthira standing in Naraka listening to his brothers’ tormeneted cries

21 - The World

integrating : experiencing wholeness, bringing parts together, achieving dynamic balance, combining, creating synthesis, joining together, working in unison
accomplishing : realizing your goals, prospering, achieving your heart's desire, seeing dreams come true, flourishing, finding a beautiful solution
becoming involved : contributing, healing, rendering a service, using a gift or talent, sharing what you have, giving of yourself, feeling engaged, being active
feeling fulfilled : savoring the present, taking pleasure in life, enjoying peace of mind, getting satisfaction, finding contentment, counting your blessings
Vyasa narrates the Mahabharata while Ganesha scribes it down.