About Me

The medley of maladies of the modern times has pierced deep into our nerves! Standing at the start of the second decade of the twenty-first century, we have transcended our long searches for a unique individual complete identity of the post-colonial ‘self’. The union of the local and the global ‘self’ and the ‘other’ as one and as counters has not just formed the collective consensus for individual recognition but has emerged as a composite identity – the identity equally shared by you and me. It’s something like Domino’s chicken seekh kabab pizza. Continental cum Mughlai topped with mayonnaise, sauce and chaat-masala –All opposites amalgamated with that one punch under your belly…hungry kya…?? We TRIAMBIGRAM are a duo of writers-filmmakers – Rajdeep (an ex IT engineer) and Sarmistha (an art critic). Educated at Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, one of India’s two prime film schools, we are in the process of setting up our own film company that aims at bringing to people stories which are fresh in feel but eternal in theme – our own efforts to amalgamate the modern and perennial. Nerds, free-thinkers, weirdos, Bawras and dreamers are words you might use to describe us.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


(Physical Element : Water, Physiological Element : Emotions)


Using mental force : being objective, thinking your way through, finding out the facts, analyzing the situation, using your intellect, applying logic and reasonhaving fortitude : overcoming adversity, facing problems, resolving a situation, finding the strength to overcome, surmounting obstacles, being undaunted by setbacksseeking justice : righting a wrong, championing a cause, doing what is right, establishing the truth, accepting responsibility, wanting what is fair

proceeding with truth : dispelling doubts, cutting through confusion, seeing through illusions, having clear understanding, being honest, finding out what is real

Kalasa filled with Water.

making a connection : joining with another, celebrating a marriage or union, cementing a friendship, establishing a partnership, working together, sharing, helping and being helped, seeing commonalities
calling a truce : healing a severed relationship, bringing together opposites, letting bygones be bygones, coming to a satisfactory agreement, declaring peace, forgiving and forgetting

Acknowledging an attraction : recognizing a bond that is developing, accepting your preferences, letting yourself be drawn in, moving toward, feeling a positive response

The Pandavas are married to Draupadi.and allied with the Pancalas.

Feeling exuberant : bursting with energy, being in the flow, celebratingoverflowing with high spirits, feeling on top of the world, dancing and singingputting yourself out there
Enjoying friendship : getting together with people you like, experiencing camaraderie, extending/receiving hospitality, sharing, finding companions, trusting others, relying on outside help

Valuing community : taking part in a support group, developing a team spirit, working together, uniting with others, forming a group bond, helping each other, discovering a common goal, being neighborly

Duryodhana, Duhsasand and Karma celeberating after Duryodhan takes Karna as a friend and makes him Angaraj.

being self-absorbed : concentrating on your own feelings, wanting for yourself, being unaware of others, giving out little, withholding affection, seeing only your point of view, ignoring gifts and blessings
feeling apathetic : passively accepting, losing interest, feeling disengaged, making little effort, finding life stale and flat, lacking motivation, feeling little desire
going within : being introspective, meditating, dreaming, contemplating, pausing to reflect, getting lost in reverie, withdrawing from involvement, losing outer awareness

Amba’s pencae. Dejected with refusal by Bhsihma and defeat of parashuram, Amabara disengages from direct conflict and meditates.

Suffering a loss : letting go of a hope, giving up the win, experiencing a setback, being defeated, having a possession taken away, saying good-bye
Feeling bereft : breaking up a relationship, feeling deprived of love, longing to be reunited, grieving, feeling sorrow

Feeling regret : being disappointed by events, crying over spilt milk, wanting to turn back the clock, wishing for what might have been, believing you made the wrong choice, acknowledging mistakes

Pandu’s death and Madri on her husband’s pyre, while Kunti and the Pandavas watch from back.

Experiencing good will : acting kindly or charitably, doing a good turn for another, sharing what you have, having a noble impulse, receiving a giftfeeling blessed, being well-intentioned
Enjoying innocence : feeling simple contentment, surrounding yourself with goodness, being blissfully unaware, having a clear conscience, shunning corruption, being acquitted, appreciating simple joys

Focusing on childhood : being with a child or young person, feeling carefree, being taken care of, feeling nostalgic, indulging in play, enjoying youthful activities, having a baby

Karna doing charity with son Brshasen by his side, while Dharma is disgusised as a Beggar Brahmna.

Indulging in wishful thinking : creating fantasies, dreaming, getting caught up in illusions, letting your imagination run wild, kidding yourself about the facts, building castles in the air, waiting for your ship to come in, lacking focus and commitment, avoiding putting ideas to the test
Having many options : being offered many alternatives, facing an array of choices, believing in limitless possibilities, looking at a wide open field, getting to pick and choose

Falling into dissipation : overindulging, letting everything go, becoming disorganized, eating/drinking/partying to excess, neglecting your health, entering into addictive patterns, being inclined toward indolence, being lazy, procrastinating

Yudhishtira playing dice and facing about a better next hand after each loss.

Seeking deeper meaning : focusing on personal truth, leaving the rat race, looking for answers, concentrating on what is important, starting on a journey of discovery, finding out the facts, devoting more time to the spiritual
Moving on : realizing the current cycle is over, abandoning a hopeless situation, disentangling yourself, starting on a trip of unknown length, letting go, finishing up and walking away

Growing weary : feeling drained by demands, dragging through the day, feeling tired and listless, lacking energy, losing hope, getting weighed down by worries, becoming burned out

Yudhishthira forgets about Kingdom and listen to wise Sages in the forest.

Having your wish fulfilled : achieving what you desire, obtaining your goalgetting what you think you want, having your dream come true
Feeling satisfied : indulging in a little smugness, enjoying the situation just as it is, feeling pleased as punch, getting the results you hoped for, feeling all's well with the world, being contented
Enjoying sensual pleasure : experiencing luxury, savoring a delicious meal, appreciating the arts, making love, relaxing, experiencing beauty, enjoying physical exertion

Duryodhan and Kauravas enjoying after Karna’s Digvijay.

feeling joy : embracing happiness, having a sense of well-being, radiating lovedelighting in good fortune, counting your blessings, expressing delight
enjoying peace : experiencing serenity, doing away with hostilities, restoring harmony, reducing stress and tension, feeling contented and at ease, calling a truce, relaxing

looking to the family : working for peace in the home, going on a family event, reaffirming a family commitment, supporting a relative in need, bonding with family members, forgiving someone in the family

The Pandavas united in heaven and experiencing true joy and peace.

Be Emotional : be moved or touched, let your feelings show, respond to beauty, be sentimental or romantic, shed your detachment, let your heart lead the way
Be Intuitive : receive guidance from within, act on a hunch, remember your dreams, have a psychic experience, experience direct knowing, trust your gut reaction
Be Intimate : start or renew a love affair, meet someone you're attracted to, get closer to someone, go beyond formalities, have a special moment of togetherness, solidify a friendship, share something personal

Be Loving : make a thoughtful gesture, express sympathy and understanding, forgive yourself, forgive someone who has hurt you, apologize to someone you have hurt, reach out and touch someone, mend a broken relationship, brighten someone's day, respond with caring rather than anger, refuse to judge or condemn .

Nakula, the beautiful Pandava is known for his sentimentality a dnyouthful exuberance.

Romantic.....Overemotional : idealizes love..........lacks self-restraint; emphasizes feelings..........is often jealous; concentrates on the poetry of life..........tends to be gushy and melodramatic; remembers special occasions..........blows hot and cold in affections; expresses sentiments beautifully..........brings flowers, but forgets to put gas in the car
Imaginative..........Fanciful : can tap the fertile unconscious..........indulges in idle daydreams; looks beyond the obvious..........has big ideas that come to nothing; never takes the mundane path..........has an unrealistic approach; spins marvelous tales..........has an overactive imagination; is visionary..........can shade the truth
Sensitive..........Temperamental : is aware of moods and feelings..........is prone to mood swings; helps others open up..........can be petulant and sulky; responds deeply to life..........gels melancholy and depressed; understands the pains of others..........broods excessively; is tactful and diplomatic..........takes offense easily
Refined..........Over-refined : appreciates beauty in all forms..........leaves dirty work to others; seeks the finest..........can't face unpleasantness; creates a pleasing environment..........lacks robust good health; understands subtlety..........emphasizes style over substance; is suave and gracious..........gets overwhelmed by pressure Introspective..........Introverted : values the inner life..........focuses inward to excess; tries to understand why..........avoids active participation; questions motivations..........is driven to self-examination; seeks self-improvement ..........exaggerates personal failings; sees below the surface..........can't relax around others

Arjuna is romantic, beloved by women, artistic, musician and dancer, he loves his Lord Krsihna and is emotional towards his brothers, he is emotional even towards his enemies during War. He is Bibhatsu, who doesnot resort to savagery even in War.

Loving : turns away wrath with caring, is unconditionally accepting, is sensitive to the feelings of others, dispels anger and hate, has infinite patience
Tenderhearted : is easily moved by another's pain, reacts with sensitivity and compassion, is kind and gentle with all creatures, can never turn away someone in need, feels what others are feeling
Intuitive : is always tuned to emotional undercurrents, senses the climate of a situation, is guided by the heart, trusts an inner sense of what is true, understands without having to ask
Psychic : is open to the unconscious, has a well-developed sixth sense, can have a telepathic bond with another, has a finely-tuned sensibility, is a natural medium

Spiritual : feels oneness with God and the universe, has reverence for all life, finds joy in communion, appreciates the deeper meanings of life, sees the world as a holy place

Gandhari, is loving , acring and all-accepting. She is intutional and psychis and has a deep reverence to Dharma and Ishawra.


Wise : gives good advice, has a deep grasp of human nature, teaches through loving attention, knows what others need for growth, sees right to the heart of the matter, understands many levels of experience
Calm : maintains his or her composure, has a quieting influence on others, is emotionally stable and secure, keeps his or her head in a crisis, never seems nervous or tense
Diplomatic : can balance the needs of many people, keeps everyone working together happily, can diffuse a tense situation, achieves goals through subtle influence, says just the right word at the right time
Caring : responds to emotional needs, is a natural healer and therapist, takes action to help those in need, feels compassion for the less fortunate, does volunteer and charity work
Tolerant : has open and broad-minded views, accepts the limitations of others, is comfortable with all types of people, allows others their freedom, is patient in trying circumstances

Pandu, he is understanding and craes for others, is open, broad- minded and believes in freedom, does do lot of charitry for the Rishis in the Shatashringa.

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